
. . . For the County Transportation bus call 785-527-2235 . . . For Property Fraud Alert signup, see the Register of Deeds page . . .

Icon voterreg-registerinperson W    BECOME A CANDIDATE

Contact the County Election Officer. Applications and procedures vary depending on the open position. Contact information is on the Elections page.

Ways to Vote  WAYS TO VOTE

1. Advance Voting by Mail.
-To request a ballot, select ADVANCE BALLOT APPLICATION in the Elections menu.

2. Advance voting in person at the Courthouse.
-Advance voting begins 20 days prior to the election date.

3. On Election Day at your polling location.
-Voting begins at 7:00am and ends at 7:00pm.

 High Banks Wind Project Information


Community Communications Process: 

 If you have an emergency, dial 911. If you would like wind project information, have a question for the wind project, would like to make High Banks Wind aware of your planned road use, would like to do business with the wind project, request a charitable or civic donation or speaker, or are seeking employment information, contact High Banks Wind directly at 785-758-7008 or Do not visit the project site. 

If you have a claim, complaint, issue, or positive feedback, you are welcome to provide it directly to High Banks Wind. If you would like the County to know about it, you may call 785-527-2235 or email   All input received will be promptly shared with High Banks Wind, and also someone on behalf of the County will review and respond as able (except abusive complaints might not all receive responses).



Settlement Agreement for Certain Initial Construction Road Repairs

Development Agreement Effective October 24, 2022
Road Use Agreement Effective October 24, 2022
Decomissioning Agreement Effective October 24, 2022
Contribution Agreement Effective October 24, 2022


High Banks Wind Project Proposed Haul Routes 11-7-2022


High Banks Wind Project Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS) 12-19-2022


KDWP Wildlife Analysis for High Banks Wind Project 12-22-21


Kansas University Economic Impact Study of High Banks Wind Project

High Banks Wind 2022 GE Turbine Manual